Network infrastructure services- Best Practices for Implementing Fiber Optics

Fiber optic technology is the latest advancement in network infrastructure. Network infrastructure offers several unparalleled benefits from other types of cable. 

Fiber Optic

Fiber optics provide

  • Extremely high bandwidth
  • Extremely low latency
  • Immunity to electromagnetic interference. 

Implementing fiber optics can be difficult for those who don't have experience or know what they're doing. This blog post will cover best practices for implementing fiber optics into your network infrastructure services so you can reap all the advantages without any drawbacks!

What is an optics network?

Optics networks take advantage of fiber optics technology. In a nutshell, it can send light over these thin strands of glass instead of the traditional wires that send electrical signals traveling around your home or business. 

Optical signals travel at breakneck speeds and have almost no latency because they only have to travel a few meters before being received by a network hub. Network infrastructure management allows for a more reliable and less complex network. It can be great in mission-critical hospitals, research facilities, data centers, and communications networks.

Why network infrastructure design has to be more robust?

Light does not travel well through buildings, weather, or even trees. Because of this, network infrastructure design has to design more robust. 

It is also quite expensive to build a fiber-optic network that can cover a large area because it requires you purchase fiber cable in bulk which costs thousands of dollars per spool alone! Fiber cable is very fragile and must be handled with care to avoid damaging it, making it even more expensive.

Top Strategies for Improving Network Infrastructure:

There are several strategies for improving your network infrastructure service. 

Use a Multilayered approach:

A Multilayered Approach to network infrastructure is a good idea. It will involve having a smaller local area network for day-to-day office use and then designating an entire floor or another building that is not in your immediate vicinity to implement fiber optics. You can have someone manage it full time while still allowing your company to save a lot of money on infrastructure. 

Use fiber optic cable for the backbone:

If you can't afford to implement fiber optics throughout your entire network, consider using it only for the backbone and traditional copper cables everywhere else. It makes upgrades more accessible and will give you more time to save up for the expensive fiber optic cable. 

Clean, Sealed Network Rack:

Network racks that are clean and sealed are essential for implementing fiber optics into your network infrastructure services because they will allow for the least amount of impedance. Ensure to get rid of whatever dust or debris may have settled on your rack equipment before you implement fiber optics, or it will increase impedance.

Why Should You Consider Passive Monitoring?



Passive network monitoring is a great way to monitor your network infrastructure services without having to spend too much money on expensive equipment. You can set up various types of sensors on the fiber optic cable itself and have them give feedback into a central location where you can monitor them from. 


We hope you found this article enlightening and that it inspired you to explore your network infrastructure services. If not, reach out to us! Our network infrastructure services team of experts is well trained in fiber optics implementation best practices and can help you determine the best course of action for your company's needs.

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Network Infrastructure Design Increase Performance Through Network Segmentation

Network Infrastructure Design

Why may you need network infrastructure services?

Network infrastructure services are an integral part of any business setup. Your network is like a lifeline that connects every individual involved in it and acts as the backbone to your organization's existence. This vital element's significance cannot overemphasize, given how hiccups on the network can hugely affect businesses' operations and overall performance.

While you may already have set up some form of security or protection for your system, keeping on top of your network services especially could be a considerable challenge due to various reasons.

-Budget constraints

-Lack of IT experts with enough bandwidth

-Time to handle all things technical in the office

These are but a few challenges that most companies face when trying their best to manage their system.

For many business organizations, the Internet is an integral part of their various operations and processes. Without a reliable Internet connection, your company's efficiency and productivity can be affected tremendously. It would be essential to choose a network provider who could give you 24/7 service and set up proper security measures.

What are the uses of optics networks?

Optical networks have become an essential part of the IT infrastructure landscape. It provides more speed and efficient means to communicate, and it also delivers several features that make communication relatively more accessible in the modern age. Many companies are now using optic networks for their business needs because of their effectiveness in these areas:

• Improved communication technology — Optic fiber-based communication offers reliable connectivity solutions that efficiently handles vast amounts of data traffic. It is fast and highly secure when compared to other alternatives. Most businesses now use an optic fiber network (also called optical fiber internet) to connect all their branches nationwide or even internationally due to their efficiency and reliability without compromising security factors.

Data capacity — Network service providers with optic fiber facilities have a tremendous amount of data capacity to lease out to businesses. It means that you don't have to worry about the rising costs of your network services which is a common problem faced by small and medium-sized enterprise owners.

High bandwidth — with optic fiber lines, you can enjoy high speeds with minimal latency or delay transmitting the information. It also has faster application response times, thus eliminating any slow processing issues in your business operations.

Optical networking services play an essential role in developing the infrastructure landscape as more and more companies find benefits in using this technology than other communication solutions on the market today.

How network infrastructure management works?

The principles behind network infrastructure management are relatively simple. However, the actual implementation may require various steps that you need to follow to achieve your goals.

There's no real need for a complex networking setup for small-sized business organizations and startups. They're using more basic services required for their day-to-day operations, such as email or even cloud-based applications that only require internet connectivity and storage space.

What are the benefits of network infrastructure design?

Network infrastructure design is something that every organization must consider as part of its business plans. Connectivity options and technologies have grown more complex over time, so you might want to set up a structured network for your company to provide quality services or even save on costs in the long run. Plus, this aspect could also help you secure all the essential information from any data breach.

The following are some of the benefits that companies can get when they opt for network infrastructure design:

• Enhanced productivity — having access to a reliable internet connection means that employees may complete tasks faster since it delivers fast response times. It's common knowledge that communication problems can be one of the biggest reasons why work gets delayed significantly. Solutions such as cloud-based storage space can help you improve employee workflows since they don't need to be tied down by specific devices.

• Improved security — having a reliable network in place means that it could protect your company against any data breach or cybercrime issues that may jeopardize your operations. A structured approach can secure all the essential information from external attacks. This way, you will also have access to real-time performance metrics, making it easier for you to monitor and troubleshoot any possible problems, mainly when unexpected errors occur during normal operations.

• Secure communications — although there are many network communication options out there in the market today, businesses using optic fiber internet often enjoy a high level of encryption system, making their communication networks nearly impenetrable.

Optical networking services play an essential role in developing the infrastructure landscape as more and more companies find benefits in using this technology than other communication solutions on the market today.

Why it is must to have passive network monitoring

Passive network monitoring is an essential step in the planning phase of a data network. It's also important because it helps business owners plan their budgets and spending for the next financial years. Network infrastructure design does by taking into account all the existing communication elements and identifying its needs and requirements for the future.

You can get comprehensive data for your network infrastructure by having passive monitoring. Passive network management uses to capture and analyze the traffic on a network to determine potential problems with access, utilization, accounting, and even security. It is essential to have large virtual or physical infrastructures because you need to troubleshoot them as fast as possible before facing more serious issues.

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